Up to 999 separate Accounts
Payable groups defined.
Up to 999 codes for department,
location, profit center or cost centers defined.
Four digit general ledger account
number, 3 digit department/company number.
Allows overlapping accounting
periods for all transactions. Strict audit checking during transaction
control totals during transaction entry, dollar amount and general
ledger numbers.
Complete audit trails at month
Name, two address lines, city,
state code and 10 digit zip code.
Office and fax telephone numbers.
Federal I.D. / Social security
number for 1099 reporting.
Vendor account number (prints
on vendor's check).
On screen look up of invoice
and payment history, verify check reconciliation if cleared
in last bank statement.
Easy to use, full screen entry
program works interactively with operator.
Use vendor's name to find vendor
Instant access to previous entered
transactions for review or changes.
Simultaneous entry from any
Documents user who enter invoice.
Batch totals over amount and
general ledger numbers help illuminate keying errors.
Option to print checks immediately
or later by due date.
Reoccurring invoices can be
associated with properties, vendors, expense categories and
specific invoice dates and due dates.
Supports multiple checking accounts.
Stores last check number used.
Easy to use interactive program
allows user to select vendors for payment.
Let computer select vendors
for payment - allowing the user to add, remove or change payment
amounts before checks are actually printed.
Partial Payment of invoices.
Methods to record manual / void
Vendor account number prints
on each check (optional general ledger number or description).
Allow multiple invoices from
a vendor for payment with a single check.
Optional MICR laser check printing.
Computer assigned vendor numbers.
Duplicate invoice number checking
(controlled by vendor).
Computer generated due dates
using vendor terms.
Take cash discounts for prompt
3 predefined general ledger
numbers per vendor.
Keep standard invoice list for
payment books, notes payable and other reoccurring invoices.
Provisions for holding invoices
in dispute.
View on screen vendor-account
status current, open items, individual paid invoices (displays
check number) or total amount by check number.